One Piece Bento

Posted on March 10, 2011


My husband picked up this One Piece Bento at our local 7-Eleven for only 550 Yen ($6.64)! It was incredibly cute, so I had to take a picture before he devours it. I’m usually not one for convenience store bentos, but this one looks delicious. Might have to go back and get myself one before they run out! Something like this is sure to be a limited time product here in Japan. (As are most cool things, huh?)

One Piece is crazy popular in Japan. I’ve never been into the show or manga myself, but this country is nuts over it. I see the One Piece flag flying everywhere, especially in truckers’ cabs. I’ve even seen One Piece socks at Don Quixote (one of my favorite places to shop). One Piece paraphernalia reside in UFO catchers in most arcades. Almost makes me want to watch or read the series. I would even go so far as to say it’s as popular as Evangelion, which seems to be the most favorite anime in Japan.